Week 6 of 52 - Visualize the Victory

As I shared with my spiritual mother about life, she reminded me of her mantra: Visualize the Victory. When she was diagnosed with breast cancer ten years ago, she clung to her faith in God and adopted this mantra of Visualize the Victory. Today, she is a survivor and remains strong in her faith.

Now when I am tempted to look at the past and say “if only” or look at the future and say “what if”, she repeats “Visualize the Victory” and encourages me to pray and focus my thoughts on what can be achieved. (She also tells me loudly – and repeatedly if needed - to get out of the way and let God handle things as this is almost always applies to how I'm reacting to the situation).

In our attempt to Visualize the Victory with our money management goals, we made a banner that reads: “WE ARE WEIRD AND DEBT FREE!” Each time we pay off a certain amount of debt, we color in a letter. This banner hangs in my bedroom where we can see it every day.

W expressed some concern the scotch tape will pull off the paint when this is over. I feigned surprise at the notion of needing to repaint the bedroom walls! That outcome never crossed my mind…

So for us, coloring in these letters is proving quite motivational. I’d love to hear from others about how they stay motivated to stick with a goal.

As for the rest of our world, it’s been a damp and cold week with few opportunities to be outside. Today I unleashed G on the mud puddles and he had a grand time splashing around.

He saw mud, I saw a small load of laundry in exchange for a tired toddler at nap time.

Verses that stuck with me this week...
Forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
Paul ~ Philippians 3:13-14

These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.
Jesus ~ John 16:33


Anonymous said...

I love the banner and the objectives tied to it. I've just read through your month of February posts and am totally inspired!

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