My February challenge has been to reduce our grocery budget by almost 30% (27.2% to be exact, but this reveals far more about my personality than you want to know). As of today we have $41.12. Yesterday, we only had $21.72. Let me explain.
When faced with the option of entertaining an infant and toddler or go shopping, W eagerly agreed to hit Kroger and Publix for a few “must-have” deals. I quickly wrote a short list of 6-7 items in the corner of the page where I’d printed the Kroger shopping list and said, “Just get these items. Here are the coupons. I’ll leave this longer list here in case you need to see the prices of anything.”
When faced with the option of entertaining an infant and toddler or go shopping, W eagerly agreed to hit Kroger and Publix for a few “must-have” deals. I quickly wrote a short list of 6-7 items in the corner of the page where I’d printed the Kroger shopping list and said, “Just get these items. Here are the coupons. I’ll leave this longer list here in case you need to see the prices of anything.”
When he returned home, I was surprised to see several things that weren’t on the short list. Things bought at full price no less! When I asked, he pointed to the Kroger list and proudly said, “I got everything on your list.”
“But I showed you the list and I said just get these things here in the corner.”
“Why would you give me a list of things you didn't want me to buy?"
"Because I told you what you to get and I thought you were listening. But I must talk too much and you just tune me out."
He smirked a little, decided discretion is the better part of valor (or so he tells me later), and replied, "Honey, communication is not what the sender sends, but what the receiver receives.”
"Because I told you what you to get and I thought you were listening. But I must talk too much and you just tune me out."
He smirked a little, decided discretion is the better part of valor (or so he tells me later), and replied, "Honey, communication is not what the sender sends, but what the receiver receives.”
I pondered his thought and resisted several eye-roll urges while the "receiver" hustled back over to Kroger and Publix to return a few items.
To meet our grocery challenge, I mentioned earlier that I coupon and carry an oversized pink binder, but even my mom was a bit startled when she saw it, “Do you really take that big thing into the grocery store?”

Besides couponing, we've been eating out of our freezer and pantry. Unbelievably, we found 20 different meals we could make. This weekend we ate a mountain meal of pinto beans and cornbread. Simple and yum.

So here’s hoping I can resist the remaining sales of the month and hang on to $41.12 for 8 more days. Thank goodness it’s the shortest month of the year!
Good for you for sticking to your guns!!! Your cornbread looks delish!
Thank you Shannon!
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