Week 17 of 52 - Easter Sunrise

Thankful for the chance to watch a beautiful Easter sunrise over those Smoky Mountains with my mom and G.  She commented that she almost expected to see Him in the clouds.  "And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory.  And He will send forth His angels with a great trumpet and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other."  Matthew 24:30-31

I have to share something that warmed my heart this weekend. In my hometown is a Christian family that has worked hard and profited immensely from their efforts.  They have given back so much to my town - a performing arts center that showcases Christian recording artists and jaw-dropping local talent, a factory converted to a huge playroom for kids and restaurants, as well as multiple stores and businesses that employee many people.

On Saturday, they opened two buildings to the community's children for egg hunts.  This photo does not do justice to how many eggs were in this room.  Each egg was filled and many contained prizes for larger gifts. Perhaps some would scoff and remind this isn't why we celebrate Easter.  Of course it's not, but every direction my eyes turned, I saw laughing children. I have to think God was enjoying those smiles and this act of generosity.  Thank you Drake family for all you give to your community and how you shine Christ into the world.

Decided that starting this month, I will capture a family photo of us each month.  Here's my first.  Most will be just capturing life versus a posing moment, but since we were all cleaned up...

And a few more favorites...


Anonymous said...

Seriously, that photo of your husband carrying your two boys--1 in front, 1 in back--while they hold hands, brought tears to my eyes this morning. So sweet, so loving. What a wonderful capture. What a surprise to me, I'm not so easily moved to tears but it just touched me. Happy Easter to you and your lovely family!

Living Life said...

Thank you so much, I appreciate your feedback. Happy Easter to you and yours too!

marlowe said...

Okay, totally missing home now! I'll always long for those Smokey Mountains. Your pictures are just beautiful.

Due to your comment about Meg, I couldn't help but miss all those I left behind. Thinking of you all today and feeling a little home sick :)

Shannon said...

wow #17 is beautiful!

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