When we considered what we could we could do without for six months, we agreed no new clothes for the adults. Believe it or not, it was actually my idea. We were rocking along just fine; I was even surviving quite nicely in the small segment of my closet known as post- baby-and- not-everything-fits-quite-right-yet. Then an email from Facebook, “you’ve been tagged in a photo”.
I scanned the photo and thought how pretty – all the lovely ladies from my church at a wedding we all attended. Then I paused, who was that older girl on the end? And what was she wearing? Oh my, that’s me and that brown polka dot dress, that’s mine too...except it just wasn’t as attractive captured there for all time.
Suddenly I realized – I still have Easter to go! Then my cousin’s May wedding! What ever will I wear? This dress will never do… I will say I did pray over my childish behavior. And without hearing of my “plight", a dear spiritual mentor calls to tell me that she’s proud of me for the financial changes we are making and God put it on her heart to send some money to buy a dress. I was quite surprised, thanked God, marveled at His provision, and bought a dress.
Wouldn’t it be an uplifting story if it ended there? But it didn’t. I then bought another dress for the wedding because after all, it was also on sale and I wouldn't want the same people to see me at the wedding wearing the SAME dress. Then the next day, I bought a third dress because it was one of my favorite colors and I had a coupon! I reasoned, if it had been at the first store, I wouldn’t have bought one of the other dresses, so maybe I will take back one of those dresses. But later decided it really didn’t make sense to return the first dress because after all it was on sale and I might need a third dress before summer’s end. Oh and Walt could use a color-coordinated polo shirt… so in my shopping haze, I end up spending $150 of our dollars.
I like the dresses and while Dave Ramsey would never understand, I tell myself that maybe his wife Sharon would… sometimes you just feel better in a new dress, or three.
As for now, I will enjoy the dresses and work on regaining my focus and maturity with our finances. I heard Dave say, adults devise a plan and act on it while a child just does what feels good at the time. So I am trying to take Dave’s advice and devise a plan – a plan so big and long-term that the goals are more appealing than what I’m not wearing. I can only hope my maturity outpaces my vanity.
As for my photography project this week, here's a few: couldn't resist a shot before pushing those toes back in the crib. Not as worried about his safety as I was his sleep being interrupted by a stuck foot...

While my brother was swinging him sideways...

I joked that this odd shot may be our monthly family photo... Samuel, a blurry George, Walt's arm, my foot...

Couldn't you just snuggle those toes! He's adorable.
And I've got this same problem. Only, being one who sews, I look for fabric to make myself a more affordable dress out of something I love and walk out of the fabric store with six new favorite fabrics and a plan for each ... but not enough time and a little poorer for it :)
There's a million ways to rationalize a purchase like your dresses (and I bet I've come up with at least 900,000 of them). Dave Ramsey's approach is insanely difficult to follow through with but just like any healthy lifestyle change it is pushing through the slip-ups and continuing forward that will have the most lasting effects. Good for you for keeping your dresses and just starting again!
Scott and I used a paid off credit card for purchases in Feb. We had been so good over Christmas not using credit at all and then we were at Black Dome Outdoor store in Asheville plotting our spring and summer camping adventures and drooling over the sale priced clothes in their bargain store next door. Next thing you know.......2 months later we are singing the blues about the debt we incurred!! We both said yesterday that financial freedom is greater than any one thing you can buy! We are still working on it.
Thanks ladies for sharing your experiences - it's definitely a process and a lifestyle change that takes time! Marlowe, learning to sew was on my 2009 or 2010 New Year's Resolutions and is still undone, if I could just learn simple alterations, I would be so much better for it! I've found a friend who can teach me, just time, time, time as always.
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