Thankfully, our debt repayment plan did not rely on a 5/21/11 rapture appointment. If that was the case, I certainly wouldn’t have paid off the credit card. Knowing my tendencies, I would also be driving a 2011-something or other.
Don’t get me wrong, I do believe in the rapture. I do not believe it can be predicted by anyone.
But of that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone. Mark 13:32
If God isn’t telling Jesus, I will wager against any earthly dude making predictions. (Besides if I lose, I will be gone anyway so it’s a pretty safe bet).
As for photos this week, my curly-headed fellow came home looking quite "big boy" in his crew cut. Dad took him to the stylist. I'm lucky he has any hair at all. It made me start thinking about all the little boy things about him that will change before I know it.
The boy loves his stuffed animals. We've named them, and here he is with Franklin the frog, Buddy Bear, and Dudley Duck. Yes, my alliteration fondness goes to extremes with these animals. He always chooses a stuffed animal from the Awana store, takes the same one to show-and-tell for weeks in a row, and doesn't hesitate to confiscate his brother's stuffed animals from his room too. I already see his interests pulling towards noisier pursuits, but for now, he's still quite attached to these "friends" as he calls them. I love seeing him get up in the morning with one or more "friends" tucked under his arms.

He loves bubbles, bubbles, bubbles... most kids do, I know. I would like to claim the dead motor in his bubble machine as objective evidence, but the $10 price tag is a confounding factor.

His fondness for his brother has steadily increased... yet his loving attempts are not always appreciated.

As for this little guy with a rapidly approaching birthday, he will get his turn in the spot light very soon....