Week 39 of 52 - Has it Really Been TWENTY years?


Just one photo this week, and I didn’t take it.

I attended my high school reunion this weekend and what a treat.

For anyone who makes excuses for why they don’t want to go back, wow, what a loss.  You missed meeting and reconnecting with some amazing folks, significant others, and beautiful children of all ages.

  • Celebrated the military service of two.
  • Remembered one who has passed through our lives and on to eternity.
  • Cheered for those who changed the most and changed the least. 
  • Yelled for those who drove and flew for hours to be there.
  • Applauded a classmate who has written a children’s book soon to be released nationwide. 
  • Shared laughter, conversations, and fun that will carry us for at least another five years.

I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.


Tamara said...

I'm glad you had a good time! You look great! We didn't end up going to ours - Em was still fighting a fever.

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