Weeks 40 and 41: Toes in the Sand

We just returned from vacation.  As you may recall, we had bypassed an earlier beach vacation for our debt-free goal.  So now past Baby Step 2, we were very grateful for the time and opportunity to celebrate and take a break from our daily lives.

We visited Panama City.  Walt would have preferred to visit a remote barrier island with no signs of life, but alas, we chose a kid-focused vacation spot.  Needless to say, we were among the thousands of families who hit PCB for Fall break, but we really enjoyed ourselves.

I spent more time playing with my kids than taking photos, but here’s what I want to remember…in random order.

1.  The fabulous motorcycles and their riders.  Much to our excitement, PC was hosting a Thunder Beach motorcycle rally while we were there.

We watched them until dusk.

2.  My mom, our conversations, her laughter, and her delight in the Harleys.  No need to guess where I got my love for shiny chrome and loud engines.  Nor did I need to guess where George gets his ability to avert his eyes at the last second from my camera!

3. George’s delight in "the jumpy thing".  He asked to go to the jumpy thing at least 500 times.  We went twice.  He reminded me of myself when I get obsessed with something.

4. Samuel racing into the surf, too young to yet feel any fear.

5. The crystal-clear waters and the dozens of hermit crabs we found and tossed back.

6.  The duct-tape sign to claim our rented beach chairs in the most redneck fashion.

I made the sign after a confrontation with a guy who took our chairs.  When I asked him to move, he refused, and between drags on his cigarette, he used a certain 4-letter word as a noun, verb, and adjective.  I smiled,  prayed I wouldn't be the first victim of beach chair rage, and continued to stand over the chairs.

At one point, I told his girlfriend my mom had a bad hip (a half-truth) and we couldn't just go steal someone else's chairs as he suggested, we needed the ones on the end.  We got the chairs back, I marked them, and my mom limped every time we saw him.  We laughed the rest of the week about these folks and the conflict.

 7. Good budgeting pays off – we came back with $35 in our pockets.  And that's after several over-priced meals and giving into George's incessant pleas to "go back to Targets (sic) and get the Big Buzz and Big Woody" after discovering little Woody only said 3 different things and caused much frustration.  "Mom, do you remember the Big Woody?  Do you think we could get it?  Mom, do you like the Big Woody?  Samuel can have the Little Woody." 

8.  Our Creator greets and ends each day with His signature.  

For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God. Romans 1: 20

9.  And at the end of the day, His love, care, and direction for our family is what matters - I'm thankful to have this time with them.


Meg said...

I love all the pictures. You are such a good photographer! I'm so glad you got some time away. I know those memories will mean so much. Each year that passes you can't get back and it is fun to remember those time.

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