Week 42 of 52 - Pumpkins!


We visited a pumpkin patch at a local church over the weekend.  I attempted to capture the season while we picked out pumpkins.

Most of our moments went something like this:  Here comes mom with the camera – RUN!

Other mothers see their child stumble and pick them up.  Moms with cameras see a non-moving toddler on the ground, do a quick visual sweep for absence of blood or tears, and hit that shutter button FAST!

So yeah, maybe I did say, "Mommy won't buy you a pumpkin unless you look at me for 2 seconds."

After we bought the pumpkins, we compared notes on our previous pumpkin carving skills and finding none between us, we did the only thing left to do  – head to Wal-Mart.   

We bought stuff we thought we needed but didn't, so learn from our mistakes: 
  • Electric pumpkin carving knife - $5.87  USELESS.
    Would barely move through the pumpkin. George also had a sixth sense for finding it on every counter so we tossed it before the $5.87 knife could yield a $150 emergency room visit.
  • Pumpkin Carving Kit ~ $3.87  A BIT USEFUL. 
    We used the little serrated knives and scoops.  All of the picks to trace the stencils broke off. So he used a tiny flathead screwdriver to tap out the pattern which worked well. 
  • Stencil Book $1.47 USELESS. 
    We bought an extra book to have enough non-ghoulish stencils.  I ended up googling "funny pumpkin carving patterns" and finding these patterns!   This link gives printing instructions too.
What this sweet moment doesn't capture:  Walt trying to hear the Georgia game on the radio while saying 982 times, “No George, you can’t use the knife to carve the pumpkin. George, don’t cry, just let Daddy carve the pumpkin.  Yes George, when you are older, you can carve the pumpkin.  Get out of the floor and let your mother take a picture . ”

If we had it to do over, we would've bought him a little pumpkin to decorate with markers so he could participate more in that aspect.

Turns out Walt is quite the pumpkin carver.  He was disappointed he lost a tooth on Big Tooth Magee, but he did much better than I could have done.  (Sadly, I suffer from “I can't cut straight lines without left-handed scissors” craft-time baggage from childhood.)  We had fun and hopefully started a new tradition for our little guys.


marlowe said...

I remember the tears over wanting to use the knife ... I finally caved and let them go at little pumpkins with paint :) Walt's got talent! And, Newel so enjoyed visiting with him at the reunion.

Tamara said...

Love the pictures! We had a runner (E) too and everytime I saw her get remotely close to a pumpkin, I'd start snapping pictures. I LOVE the pumpkins. W is quite talented. Mine never come out that great.

Meg said...

Kim, tell Walt those pumpkins are awesome! Tyler would never help for long. He didn't like scooping out the guts! He would start and then an hour later I'd be sitting all by myself wondering why I was working so hard! LOL. The boys are growing so fast and they are so handsome too. I love reading your blog. Love you!

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