Week 46 of 52 - Where has 2011 gone?

Only 6 weeks left of 2011 and with the holidays, it will seem like 6 days.

As I reflect on the last 46 weeks, I recall our goal of accomplishing Baby Step 2 of Dave Ramsey’s plan.  By God’s grace, we finished this in July.  We paused for celebration and vacation, and then began cranking into Baby Step 3:  3-6 months of expenses in the bank.

I must confess, I’ve needed a jump start, so Walt suggested a new sign – SAVING FOR EVERYTHING and we color in a letter every time we save a certain amount.  I’m such a kid; I’m surprised he didn’t buy smiley face stickers.   Of course, another sign on the wall delays painting the bedroom walls…possibly his ulterior motive?

As we chip away at this goal, distractions are inevitable. One of the TVs has broken, the couch cushions have ink pen marks, and our little table is elbow-to-elbow crowded.   We are trying our best to ignore these things.  Heck, with 2 boys, I might as well hone my “ruined furniture” ignoring skills for the next decade.

My aging laptop is the one distraction I cannot ignore.   The hard drive and memory are pushing their limits, and when I edit, it spins in circles and sends me a love note:  “not responding, not responding, not responding”.  I hold my breath, hoping today isn’t the final crash.  So we will pause a month, replace, and move on.  

Anyone who knows me isn’t surprised I’ve invested countless hours deciding… Mac or PC… laptop or desktop… buy used to save a little now, or buy new to avoid re-visiting for a few years.  And anyone who knows Walt knows he would have made the decision in 5 minutes by running to Wal-Mart and grabbing the weekly special.  So if anyone loves or hates their computer, do tell, because Walt is beyond tired of talking about it.

As for this week’s photos, our life group visited a lake retreat near Monticello, GA.  It was rumored to be a getaway for Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood!  I couldn’t resist checking out an aging cabin on the property.

Note how the fireplace is leaning as compared to the chimney outside.

When Walt saw the photos, he commented:  You went in that cabin? 
Me:  Yes
Walt:  Where was Samuel?
Me:  On my back.
Walt:  So you took him in that cabin with the holes in the floor to take photos?  

Me:  Yes.
Walt:  You do realize they are getting ready to tear it down because it’s not stable?
Me:  Um, no, can't say as I did.

 But alas, a glimpse into something we won’t see again.


Tamara said...

Gorgeous pictures! And I laughed out loud when reading your conversation with Walt. We are also in need of a laptop and are leaning towards a macbook (probably refurbished). For your photography business (when, not if), you should look into it! I've heard they are just amazing. Email me and we'll chat more about it.

marlowe said...

Ha! I would have done the same :) Love your "We are Saving" sign ... if you can live through Christmas ... you can live through anything. And who needs stuff anyway? That is unless it's photography stuff :)

Unknown said...

These pictures are gorgeous. WOW! What pretty fall captures. I love your idea of coloring in letters : )

I used to be a good saver but not so much lately. Thank you for reminding me to start doing that again : )

Visiting via Kel's Kidnapped by Suburbia blog!

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