Our blog shares glimpses into the journey of Baby Step Two. Some weeks we were gazelles, some weeks we were turtles, or somewhere in between. The point is: if we can do it, anyone can. Here's our debt-free story: The Story Behind The Story.
To show our gratitude for what we've learned, we are giving away a free online Financial Peace University (FPU) subscription. This is a $99 value and is a 16-week online course you can do from the privacy of your own home, anywhere in the world. FPU was life changing for us, and I hope it will be for someone else too. To learn more about the online FPU, click here.
To enter, just leave a comment below by midnight January 7th. On January 8th, I will use a random number generator to select one of the comments. You can enter for yourself, or enter and give away to someone else. Note: If you leave an anonymous comment, please include an email address within your comment so I can contact you if you win.
Thank you for your support and encouragement in 2011. I won't continue the 52 Weird Weeks project in 2012, but we will chisel away at Baby Step Three: saving our six-month emergency fund and the "next-home" down-payment fund, and hopefully, not the "Oh Well, the Rav-4 Didn't Make It After All" fund. We don't expect to complete all of this in 2012, but will prayerfully work through these goals.I will continue blogging in 2012 with a new blog. I've set lofty goals, so more more to come!
Happy Holidays to everyone. A few scenes from our holidays.
My mother's tree.

George enjoying his new shaving kit.

Of course brother's gift is far more fun than anything he was given.

Little man against the big world. And I leave 2011 wondering if I will ever capture him without a pacifier in mouth.