Week 49 of 52: Just a Hunk, a Hunk of Burning Love

That's right folks, meet our elf: Elvis.  He's a handsome little chap, and like the real Elvis, occasionally gets the munchies.  Poor elf, since he ended up at a dietitian's home, he has to improvise from his preferred peanut butter, bacon, and sandwich.

So last night Elvis settled for Cheerios and dried cranberries.  George was thrilled to find him in the cereal bowl, but did ask, "How did he do that? Did you do that?"  I decided next time I won't lie to him, but just remind him the story says if we touch him he loses his magic.

My favorite lines from George's letter to Santa (as dictated to me):
Samuel has been grouchy, and George has been good.
Please bring me a backhoe and a new elf.  Please bring Samuel um, um, a piece of paper. (First thing he saw.)

Then I asked, don't you want Santa to bring Samuel something?
Please bring Samuel AND ME a four wheeler.

Please get mama and daddy two bikes and a couch. Wait a minute, if the couch falls off the bike, it will make a hard sound and a big hole."   
Trust me, if I made this up, it would make more sense.


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