Week 50 of 52: Suck It Up if you want a Smore!!

Yes, I growled those words in a hushed tone to my child this week. One of my finer moments in parenting, indeed.

We visited the Christmas in the Garden display at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens this week. We packed PBJs for the ride, dressed the boys in pajamas under their clothes, and trekked into Atlanta.  Anytime we start a car ride with two toddlers, we tell ourselves, "this better be worth it."  And worth it, it was...

The boys seemed to enjoy it too. Samuel would say, "oooh, oooh" with each new sight.

One of my favorite moments was with George when he spied this frog on the bench.  I'd seen the sculpture before, but never through his eyes.  He lingered with his new friend for a few minutes, and then exclaimed, "Kim, I just had to stop and look because you know, I've never seen a big frog just sitting on a bench."

He also shared my hobby with me - nothing is technically right about this photo... I had my camera on the tripod, and was shooting at 1/3 second, so the lights are blown, and he is blurry of course.  But everything IS right with this photo.  Every time I see it, I will remember his excitement to capture the beauty around us.  Never mind that tonight he deleted every image on his camera because he likes the cool noise it makes while trashing photos.

And in the end, the tantrum was averted with my suck. it. up. threat.  We enjoyed tasty Smores while managing to keep Samuel out of the fire pit.  An observer of his wiggles and near escapes smiled and commented, "He's one who will learn things the hard way."  Hopefully he wasn't prophesying an omen or anything.

We enjoyed it, the kids were enthralled, and we made it safely home, returning with everything we left home with - which is more than I can say for most of our outings.  We may have found a new tradition for our family!


Tamara said...

I love this post. We passed on free tickets to this last week. Maybe we shouldn't have! Next year ...

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