Week 11 of 52 - Sleepless Nights and Wasted Days

We have the best of intentions, we plan to take our boys places, we really do.  Then through a tiring chain of events, we usually end up staying at home.  It goes down something like this:

10:15 pm (shortly before turning out the lights):  “It’s supposed to be in the seventies tomorrow, we should take the boys somewhere.”  Both agree.

12:29 am:  Cries of teething infant, both get out of bed, one makes bottle and other rocks infant back to sleep.

1:37am:  Strange beeping noise, both out of bed, stumbling over pillow shams, throwing neatly-folded clothes off dressers, seeking source as if on a blindfolded Easter egg hunt.  Finally discover cordless phone has a beeping low-battery indicator.  Nice feature...

2:26 am:  Infant crying again, pajamas and sheet are soaked.  Both out of bed – one changes and rocks baby, other changes sheet and makes bottle.

4:00 am:  Toddler wakes up screaming.  Mom out of bed, silently berates self for buying Toy Story 3 DVD and introducing toddler to the wild-eyed cymbal-clanging stuffed monkey which now haunts his dreams, sleepily brings toddler to bed (for the first time ever, he is usually the rock star sleeper).

4:something am:  Toddler is laughing hysterically in his sleep, both close eyes, thankful no intervention is needed.

5:44 am:  Toddler sits upright in bed to avoid falling back asleep, begins chattering, and the day begins.

In the six o’clock hour is usually when we cast aside our plans for something that requires less exertion.  Except this day, we slurp down our coffee, pack a picnic, and go somewhere anyway.

We laugh along the way that the destination which was fondly recalled as a 5 minute drive on our first date is now a 33-minute excursion in which each looong minute is punctuated by “Tie my shoe, tie my shoe, tie my shoe, alternated by I wanna go to the park, I wanna go to the park, I wanna go to the park.”

I had fun photographing the bridge.  No family pics though, G asked me to put up my camera, so I happily obliged him.

It was a busy and fun weekend so I decided to use a coupon clipping service instead of buying the Sunday papers and clipping my own coupons.  I recommend The Coupon Clippers.  You buy only the coupons you want and they arrive on your doorstep 2-3 days later all clipped and sorted.  I paid about $3 more than I do for the papers and for the time I saved, it was a bargain. 


Anonymous said...

Oh you make me so tired with this post. Our "infant" is now a 10 month old and we're finally getting some decent sleep again. I hope the tide turns that way for you soon.

Gorgeous pictures of that covered bridge. Love the editing on them.

Shannon said...

WOW those photo's are amazing!!! Also love your header! Did you do that?

Living Life said...

Thanks Shannon! I shot the photos in my header, but the template design is Cinnamon Girl studio - love her stuff.

Living Life said...

Thanks also Peanut Blossom! Our little guy will be 10 months in April so your post gives me hope. He has been a decent little sleeper until these teeth started coming in.

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