Earlier in this 2011 challenge, I read this article from Jon Acuff and his words gave me pause (not to mention an occasional pinch!).
Besides making me question why I was really buying half the crap I buy, the article made me wonder about the marketing in my environment. I decided to save all the mailed and emailed marketing attempts I received for an entire month. I was surprised at the results. I thought we received more mailed marketing than this.

I was even more surprised at how many emails I received - over 350 emails in the 30 days to entice me to spend money. This does not count the 360 ads that went to my spam email. Obviously these numbers do not include all the billboards, radio announcements, internet/facebook ads, television commercials, and things that others own/do which can influence buying decisions. Wow. One article estimated that adults living in the city see over 5000 ads each day!1
Let me be clear, I enjoy advertising and I admire well-done commercials. Also, this is not to say, “No wonder I am a spender, I’m just bombarded by buying opportunities! It’s hopeless, hand me that catalog before the 25% off coupon expires!”
Rather, the intention is to recognize the lures that distract me from visualizing the victory of achieving not only our financial goals but more importantly - dare I say – our God-given purposes.
After all, these savvy marketers are just doing their job – and doing it very well I might add - to sell me on why I need their product! It’s our job to make sure we give first to our church, fund our emergency savings, and prepare for our children’s education (this is a choice of ours, not a mandate for anyone else).
It’s up to me to pray I will act maturely with the money I am given as well as yearn for the things of true value in this world in the brief time I am here.

After all, isn’t that what living intentionally is all about?
The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever. 1 John 2:1
For all flesh is like grass, and all its glory like the flower of grace. The grass withers and the flower falls off, but the Word of the Lord endures forever. 1 Peter 1:24-25
As for the rest of our weekend, we spent much time inside, eating and playing with Legos while we watched the rain.

As for the rest of our weekend, we spent much time inside, eating and playing with Legos while we watched the rain.

great post! Thanks!!!
Wow, eye opening! What a great post. I'll have to go back later when I have more time to read the articles you've linked. I think you've chosen a wonderful 2011 project.
fantastic post. i can definitely relate. tfs
I love this post! It makes me want to save all my junk mail just to see it in person. I also really enjoyed your message here.
Great shots and an interesting subject for a study. Love that photo of the two boys at the high chair, so sweet!
Great post! :) I love the picture of The Bible too, very nice composition! I agree with your sentiment...it's hard being in the world but not of it. :(
Oh my gosh, I absolutely love the concept of your blog and project!! This is awesome. Adding you to my Google Reader right now because I don't have the time right this second to give your posts the attention they deserve. Looking very forward to following you this year.
Your post spoke very loud and clear to me... I came to your blog from CM and expected to see great photos, but not to be so impacted by your words. It was a very timely read for me. :) Thank you!
Thanks so much ladies, I appreciate all of your words, means much to me!
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