Week 13 of 52 - Out of Focus

As I reflect on this week, there were days where I missed my focus completely…

A few days where I focused on the debris instead of the beauty…

Not sure what was going on. I could always blame the pollen clouds fogging my head. (or I could blame the lazy folks who leave their carts in the middle of the parking lot, but that would REALLY be a stretch).

I could blame uncertainty or busyness @ work.
Or perhaps it’s the clutter that invades my home often before the sun comes up. (yes, I fully expect I will miss this plastic-filled space in years to come).

Or my personality that can drive off a cliff researching the details of trivial things. But if I go there, I’ll be surfing products on Amazon into the wee hours of the morning and forget to finish writing this blog completely.

So my goals for this week are to be a little more focused, a little more in the moment, and find a few more opportunities to notice the beauty around me.

And if I don’t? It’s the pollen.

As an aside, my grandmother gave me two photos this week of me at age 3 to show me how she thinks George favors me at this age. Hope you enjoy this seventies flashback - don't be hating on my pants suit!



Nortons Nest said...

I love the 70's flashback you were so cute!

Nortons Nest said...

Love the 70's flashback pictures! I won't comment on the outfit because I had some of those too :-)

Meg said...

I think your photography is amazing!! That picture of SL looks professional! I love reading your blog each week. Miss you!

Living Life said...

Miss you too Meg! Thank you for your comments, made my day :-) xo-

Unknown said...

You're grandmother is right!
Love the blog again - very poetic, as usual...

Living Life said...

Thank you Aimee! I really appreciate that!

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