Week 32 of 52 - Catching Up

Two weeks have passed and finally I'm blogging again.

Cause of absence?  Camera issues.  Here's how it all began:  I shot happily with the same camera for a couple of years, then chose to upgrade this year.  I saved my hobby money, made some Craigslist sales, and proceeded to buy a newer model.

Then trouble began.  I am extremely picky about focus and I began noticing my new camera* was front-focusing with two of my lenses.  After several tests, tears, and emails to my photography buddy, she agreed, and even the manufacturer agreed.   I sent it in for repair.

A few weeks passed, another camera is in my hands, and the previously-new camera was repaired and sold - with full disclosure to its new owner of course.  I'm enjoying my hobby again and able to "focus" on everything besides focus!

Between shipping cameras and selling gear for less than I paid, I lost a sizable chunk of my saved hobby money.  And I missed two weeks of my 52-week project.

I'm still sorting out my lessons learned, but eager to jump back in to what I love.  So a little scuffed and humbled, I charge forward.

This Week in Photos

I chose this photo because Colton reminds me of photos I've seen of my dad as a boy.  I never saw a resemblance until this photo.  So I loved it, despite being a tad overexposed... black/white to the rescue.

Giggly George.  They were playing with water guns and he was contemplating drinking the water out of his gun.  Why?  Because Samuel did.  I love that all the boys are captured in some way. 

Eagerly trying to figure out this whole water gun deal, Samuel paused to look my way.  Shortly before he gave up and drank the water out of the gun instead.

I could write an entire blog on this lady.  Former professor, friend, and extended mother.  She always speaks her mind to me - and my life is better for it.  She has been Christ's hands, feet, and mouth when I needed His love, encouragement, and help.  She has a new puppy Bud and wanted some photos to send her extended family.  She is holding her older dog Sunshine in this photo.

*I'm purposefully not mentioning any camera brands/models.  This can happen to any brand and typically is a function of the lenses rather than the camera.  In my case, the manufacturer concluded the camera needed adjustment. 


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