Week 34 of 52 - Proceed to Checkout

What do savings accounts and scales have in common?  I can't fool either of them.

I’ve decided saving money is like maintaining a weight loss.  When you are losing weight, people see the pounds shedding, ask how you are doing it, and congratulate you on your progress.  When you are “shedding” debt, you see the numbers falling, payments ending, and you get to celebrate the victory when you are done.

Then comes the maintenance part of weight loss – figuring out how you can still enjoy food without regaining the lost pounds.  Similar to saving money – figuring out how much fun you can have while saving cash so you don’t regain the debts.

I’m motivated not to go in debt again, but I’ve felt daunted by our task of Baby Step 3 (saving a 3-6 month emergency fund).  We also need to save for two used vehicles over the next couple of years.  I imagine the scene: all that work and I’ll be able to say yep, this here is my new Toyota, she’s 10 years old and only has 100,000 miles on her.

Hopefully, my humor is evident.  The success will be in having money saved, not the car itself.

All that said, I do envy people who get a natural charge out of watching their bank account grow.  As for me, I have to work against my 3-click preferred endorphin release: “Add to Cart,” “Proceed to Checkout,” and “Place Order.”   Probably much like I will always have to manage my sweet tooth.

I remind myself that 15 years ago, I began a weight loss journey which gradually led to a healthier lifestyle. (A lifestyle which includes small daily doses of dark chocolate, mind you.)  With time, persistence, and prayer, I will learn to embrace these new money habits too.  Who knows, maybe someday I will be more giddy about my bank statement in the mail than an Amazon box on my porch.  Um, I'd better keep praying.

For this week's photos, Samuel and I stayed at home Wednesday night and played outside as the sun was setting.  He had been cranky with his molars coming in, but a little time outside took his mind off his troubles.


Meg said...

Kim, these pictures are sooo good. And SL is so sweet. I really love seeing them.

marlowe said...

Couldn't you just eat those cheeks ???

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