Ever look at your kids and swear they are growing before your eyes? I've definitely had one of those weeks. I'm away from them 48 hours and see changes in their looks, George's conversation, all the little details. I think it's why I took so many "everyday" photos this week.
We had a tree branch fall and George took his toy hedge trimmers out to "cut it up".
And I admit, Samuel's hair probably isn't "scalped" as I described, but it IS really short and he looks so much older now.

Today, we went to Big Lots for George to cash in his spending money. We've not been as consistent in using the coins for a good behavior award, but when we do, it works. He's now earning money vacuuming the crumbs under Samuel's chair - practically a full-time job.
In the store, I marveled at the differences in the two boys. When George was Samuel's age, he wouldn't leave my side. As soon as Samuel's feet hit the ground, he was off to explore the rest of the store... as I chased behind.
We talked about how he only had enough money for either the three little sets of tools or the big tool set. He is deciding which set to buy.
He may be a bit like his mother, analyzing all the data before making a decision...
He had discarded a similar tool set over a year ago. Then he saw a photo of himself from last year playing with the tools and he began talking incessantly about "the tools of mine in the picture." George: Beg for tools. Parent: Give in and schlep up to the 100+ degree attic to look for the tools. George: Cry when parent can't find tools. Other parent: Think of another possible box in the attic. Repeat the next day. George decided to stop the madness and buy more tools.
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