I knew this day would come. My favorite TV channel is fuzzy.
When we decided to go gazelle*on our budget, we asked ourselves, “What could we live without for six months?” As timing would have it, while we were asking that question, our TV was scrolling a message “this channel will no longer be available after January 11”. Faced with the decision to upgrade our cable package, we decided to add No Cable to our list of weird things we could do for six months.

In the interest of full disclosure, let me say we did keep our $8 Netflix subscription where Sponge Bob can stream into our home on-demand. I am all for being weird, but I’m not crazy. I have moments when I need to park our 3-year old for a few minutes and catch my breath… or simply go to the bathroom alone.
The budget savings? Sixty dollars/month between cutting the cable and switching the Internet to DSL.
Some of my friends and family may wonder about this “eliminate non-mortgage debt” challenge. Perhaps even some rumblings of what is REALLY going on with us? Why are we doing this?
The truth is a bit dull, but we want to live intentionally. Whether it is our family or our finances – that we become better stewards of all we have been given. For me, I realized that some days I had spent more time looking for the right purse than I had spent preparing for things that will matter a lifetime.
I also believe our resources are blessings from God. Most of our world will never have the opportunity to live as we do. I want to get to the end of my life and see how my time, resources, and abilities were used for a bigger purpose.

It’s not about Dave Ramsey. It’s not about a financial crisis. It’s about being intentional. Purposeful. Joyful. It’s about being able to someday look these guys in the eye and know I did right by them. That’s all.
*Proverbs 6:5: Deliver yourself like a gazelle from the hunter's hand and like a bird from the hand of the fowler.