Week 2 of 52 - One baby step at a time


Week 2 has brought very few photo opportunities. Here’s one of S on his play mat.  Similar to us, he is taking baby steps… rolling over, learning to support the weight of his arms, and trying to crawl.

I had several baby steps this week including a conference call coaching session with Russ Carroll, Dave’s lead financial coach.  The meeting with Russ reminded me of why it’s so important to be better money managers – so we can be even better givers.  He commented we are made in God’s image and God is the ultimate giver, so we too should strive to be givers.

As for the couponing, it’s been a good first start, thanks to the help of my friends!  I have my coupons organized in a hot pink binder and even scored 3 jars of Peter Pan peanut butter for .44 cents each…which may come in handy during this snow storm.  W must be motivated too, he even said he would take the flashy pink binder to the store if needed.


Ginger said...

You have inspired me to try couponing again! Like you, I am very busy with my little ones, work, and the basics of managing our home - but - I do want to make more progress with eliminating debt!

I found a helpful website (Mommysavers.com) that has given me lots of money-saving tips and ideas.

I will enjoy following your blog!! xoxo
Ginger Hyde Codd

Living Life said...

Thanks Ginger! I appreciate the comment and I can't wait to check out Mommysavers.com, thanks for the tip!!

Meg said...

So sweet!!

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