Week 4 of 52 - Comparing prices


Ok, my odd behavior this week may land me in the People of Wal-Mart line-up but let me try to explain.  While we have an overall monthly budget, I realized I had no idea what we pay for many items we buy.  So I decided to go on a pricing mission.  

W suggested rather than take the time to record prices, I simply take photos instead - brilliant.  Up and down the aisles, my camera snapped at rollback prices while my eyes darted at unsuspecting blue-vested employees.  Fortunately, I completed my mission with some strange looks and questioning glances, but no Wal-Mart interrogation or demands to erase my memory card full of pricing information.  

Engergized, I continued my pricing mission at a local discount club.  One of my objectives was to price diapers, because as any mom knows, each sweet little baby bottom goes through a multitude of diapers each month.  My price comparisons revealed the Amazon Mom Subscribe and Save was a full $10 cheaper per box than the pre-tax discount club price!  Caveat: I’m positively addicted to the baby fresh smell of a particular diaper brand.  Perhaps a generic store brand would yield similar savings, but I admit I'm a sniffer of new diapers.

This week’s photo is S with the diapers he uses in a month.

My February challenge:  lower our grocery bill by 30 percent.   In preparation, my couponing friends took me on a field trip – it was a morning filled with new couponing actions and lingo: BOGOs, stacking, and even a rain check.  When I checked out and was a little too enthusiastic about my sales receipt savings, the cashier peered over her glasses and said, “You new at this?”  Yep, for now at least.


Unknown said...

Kim - this is great! You are so talented and creative!

Melissa said...

What a great idea on taking photos of the prices!! I am in the same boat....I have no idea what I spend on certain things. That's bad. :o( Oh! And I love the smell of those diapers, too!! Even Caroline (my 2 year old) likes to ram a clean diaper in her face and say...'mmm....smells good!" LOL

Shannon said...

What a fun blog and wow your photo's are GREAT!

Julie said...

LOVE the baby in the diapers shot!! Oh how I hated those days of buying diapers!!!!

MLE said...

oh my goodness I miss the smell of new diapers. i am a former diaper sniffer.
love this project.

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