Week 1 of 52 - Couponing!

I'm so not a coupon person.  Well I once was a coupon person and the relationship ended in the middle of an Ingles store.  I was pushing the cart with my hip, shoving a pacifier in the mouth of a crying newborn with one hand, and clutching my accordion-style coupon book in the other hand.  Long about Aisle 5, I tossed the coupon book aside and my left-handed scissors have been gathering dust ever since.

But I have some good friends who are impressive coupon ladies, not TLC Extreme Couponers mind you, but savvy enough that when they told me this week's Sunday paper had 5 coupon inserts, I decided to give it a whirl.

So here is my first shot of the year and hopefully the start of a new less-frustrating coupon adventure.  
As for the photography, it's a very noisy start!  I learned that I must always check my ISO before clicking... I didn't and the ISO was set at 6400!

Meanwhile, if you have any coupon tips that helped you save time and ease frustration, please share!


Shannon said...

I used to not and still sometimes need that extra push.....my hubby loves it....he cuts I'll shop! lol

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