Happy Father's Day...

On this day, we celebrate dads and I have two reasons to celebrate.

 My own dad for starters. 
I could write a book of Dicky-isms and have most of what I need for living (besides the Bible of course).

He has a knack for calling it like he sees it.  Last year when I contemplated a 401k loan, his words rang in my ears, "You can't borrow your way out of debt."  I realized I needed to grow up, roll up my shirt sleeves, and truly eliminate debt, not just borrow from another source.

Calling it like he sees it extends to our personal characteristics.  From an early age, he told me, "You could argue with a fence post."  He was describing my innate ability to think and talk any particular topic to death.  A trait I've carried on into my adulthood, much to the delight of my husband.

He is one of the most generous people I know.  At times, he did with less to make sure we did with much.  Even as a young adult, he would slip up to me and say, "You need anything?" as he stuffed money in my hand before I made the drive back to Athens.  He may not have understood why I left my family, our mountains, and a full-time job to pursue a dream, but he went above and beyond to support my efforts.

My time in Athens ended with meeting my husband and now that we are parents, he rocks as a dad too.  I can think of several reasons, but three fun ones spring to mind:

1.  He makes sure we are well-fed.  Yes, I'm a dietitian who doesn't enjoy cooking. (Stop and ponder those implications for a moment.)  Thankfully Walt does enjoy cooking.  He was gone this weekend and we ate PBJs for three meals in two days.  We even ate them in the woods to "change it up" a bit.

2.  He thinks first of their comfort before fashion.  Samuel has been crawling in the yard in the last week. Walt dressed him in long shorts and high socks as he was concerned about his knees in our dry yard.

 3.  Whenever I don't want to play something, I can count on being able to say, "Oh, that's a game that daddy will LOVE to play with you."

Happy Father's Day guys!


Tamara said...

That last picture is the best. It really made me bust out laughing. Sweet post, Kim. I chuckled at the "dietitian who doesn't like to cook" comment. Thank goodness you guys aren't allergic to pb!!

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