Week 23 of 52 - Happy Birthday Samuel

He was 19 days early. I couldn't believe he was really here.

We had been blessed with one son and after that time, we had learned another child would truly be a miracle for us… yet four months after the diagnosis, I was pregnant.

In the early hours of June 5th, I felt the undeniable labor pains.  A dear friend carted off a teary-eyed George at 1:30 am. We began the hour’s drive to the hospital.

Having already delivered one baby who almost came before my epidural did, I began mentioning my strong desire for pain medication as soon as I checked in.  The nurse giggled and reminded me she wasn't even sure I was in labor yet.

During the next 10 hours, I reminded everyone who entered my room (including any passerby glancing my direction) that my birthing plan included an epidural. Once my doctor confirmed I was in early labor, she broke my water to “move the process along."   She promised an epidural and said she would be back to deliver my baby later that day.  Sounded like a plan to me!

In the next 30 minutes, I…
  • Cursed the epidural that didn't come fast enough,
  • Prayed God would forgive me for cursing, and
  • Prayed for help delivering this baby.
My newborn son arrived before the doctor did and he hasn't slowed down since that time.  

We chose a music theme for his birthday...he loves clapping his hands to the rhythm.

 Yummy strawberry-filled cake from Cecilia's.  Definitely a new tradition for our birthdays.

Birthday boy was more subdued with his smash cake than I expected.

Big brother taking his turn at smashing the pinata (or pin-yata-ata as he said).

Thanks to my dear friend Meg, I'm actually in a photo!  We are very into sock monkeys...obviously.

Happy Birthday little guy, may I never forget the miracles of God.


Meg said...

Kim, these are soooo good. I love the wedding ones too. I love what you wrote about his birth. Such sweet memories. Hang on to them because you will need to them to endure the teen years! LOL. Looking at him and being around your boys brings back all those sweet tender moments from Tyler's babyhood! I'm so glad I'm a part of your life.

marlowe said...

Looking at those dimples, what's not to love! happy birthday!

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