Week 26 of 52 - The Year is Halfway Over!

Do you realize this week is the halfway point of 2011?   How are you doing with your New Year's Resolutions?  As I reflect on my 2011 Resolutions, I’ve learned this about being on a budget:
  1. 1.  I don’t miss The Learning Channel (TLC) as much as I expected after cutting the cable, but darned if I don’t wonder how my addicted friends are doing on A&E almost every Monday night.
  2. 2.  Buying coupons already clipped online saves my dear husband two trips to the local grocery store – once to buy the Sunday papers, once to return the ones missing their inserts.
  3. 3.  As it turns out, tracking where money went is not budgeting.  Telling money where to go is budgeting.
  4. 4.  Despite planning, inflation happens.  Gas, electricity, insurance, water, and food prices will increase.
  5. 5.  Inflation is not an excuse.  Plan anyway.
  6. 6.  Treating ear infections is not optional.  Pediatricians will rob a haircut budget in a heartbeat.
  7.  7.  Writing about being on a budget will never attract as much attention (or be as fun) as a vacation countdown or new car photos.
  8.  8.  Writing about being on a budget will make you think twice about doing something stupid with your money.  Similar to how keeping a food diary can make you stop at 2 cookies instead of 7. (Or at least make you want to break your pencil.)
  9.  9.  Combining checking accounts and communicating to your spouse about your budget will make money magically appear…and disappear from your slush fund.
  10. 10. Selling household items on Craigslist that no one else will miss can support a disappearing slush fund.
As for my photography, I’ve learned:
  1. 1.  I love having an excuse to play with my camera each week.
  2. 2.  People are smartly marketing to momtographers like me.  I will never be able to sell enough on Craigslist to keep up. 
  3. 3.  The more I learn about photography, the more I realize I need to learn. 
  4.  4.  People are smartly marketing to momtographers like me.  I don’t need all this stuff to make memories.
  5. 5.  My out-of-focus photo will always be just that – unfocused; my semi-clever editing is no disguise.
  6. 6.  Clean editing is more me than creative processing, back to learning the basics.
  7. 7.  People are smartly marketing to momtographers like me.  I may need an Intervention myself. 
  8. 8.  Finding a friend to critique my work - priceless. 
  9. 9.  No matter the exposure, tone, or focus, I will always treasure the imperfect photo more than one never taken.
  10. 10. Selling a telephoto lens doesn’t reduce the need for one.  Thankfully I have the red hair to find him in this photo.


Shannon said...

love it!! This needs to be a quote-"No matter the exposure, tone, or focus, I will always treasure the imperfect photo more than one never taken."

Anonymous said...

I was going to say the same as Shannon! For sure, #9 is something we should all take to heart.

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